Week 4

Jan 28th - The second day of the seminar, it was 43 degrees outside and even the air-conditioning didn't feel cold. Mind you the room was comfortable but I didn't need to cover my bare shoulders. Hard to focus today!

Jan 27th - Rob and I attended Day 1 of a seminar today called Your Financial Diamond - very interesting! We were in an airconditioned room - I even needed a wrap to stop the cold air on my skin even though it was 39 degrees outside! We overlooked a beautiful courtyard.

Jan 26th - Happy Australia Day! Not doing much today really, just relaxing and enjoying the beautiful weather and catching up with bits and pieces around home.

Jan 25th
- We headed into the city to enjoy the sites with close friends - we visited Chloe at Young & Jacksons, walked the city lanes, explored the new shopping ardcades and centres, visited Southbank and even saw a very funny and musical live show - "It's Not Countdown!" Had so many photos to chose from but I still love the graffiti street art!

Jan 24th
- Australia Day Weekend and we are having some dear friends stay with us so I thought seeing that I will probably not be going to my Boxing Circuit class on Monday, I'd do it this morning! How's that for committment! Part of the class is a cycle segment.

Jan 23rd
- It's been so dry here in Melbourne and with the water restrictions we aren't allowed to water our lawns. The past few hot and then windy days have taken its tollon our back 'lawn' - if you can call it that!

Jan 22nd - What a sad sight - our poor little fish are swimming around in a dirty tank! The water is clean! The glass is rather greenish though! Funny litttle things actually milled around when I was taking the photo!

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