Week 26 - Halfway mark!

July 1st - Back into the city in the afternoon for a visit the the Melbourne Aquarium (or newquarium as the girls call it!) The penguin display was magnificent with lots of action and movement, much to the girls delight.

June 30th
- We headed into the city for a catch up lunch and then took the girls for a play around Federation Square. There was a Folk Band playing and Sophie couldn't resist having a dance! She was so gorgeous!

June 29th - These are magnifying glasses that I use when I can't find my own - and I can't do without any glasses (actually I can but it's a real stretch and squint!).

June 28th - Back up the highway to pick up the two princesses for a city holiday. Thank goodness it's an easy trip with the freeway all the way to the border.

June 27th
- Lots of excitement for today - grace has competed in her second Grand Final in two seasons and the team won! Two trophies in a row - what a great effort. She played very well too!

June 26th
- I know, here she is again! I turn my back and voila, Gypsy has made herself comfortable on top of my newly dried washing! She is a crazy (or perhaps self-nurturing) cat!

June 25th
- Learning Photoshop is proving to be good - it's a pity I haven't had as much practise in between as I would have liked! My scrapping is almost non-existent at the moment!

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